Trend with forecast analysis
Show measures along with forecast over the current and future time periods.
Trend with forecast analysis

Creating trend with forecast analyses
Do the following:
In Assets, click Analysis.
Drag and drop Trend with forecast into the sheet.
Click Add dimension and select a temporal dimension.
Click Add measure and a select a measure.
In the properties panel, under Analysis properties, optionally customize your analysis:
To change the number of forecast steps, after Forecast steps, adjust the slider.
To change the step unit, after Step unit, select a different unit.
To change the forecast method, under Forecast method, select one of the following:
Singular spectrum analysis (SSA)
Ordinary least squares (OLS)
To remove decompositions, after Decompositions, clear the decompositions you do not want in your analysis.
To set an analysis period, do the following:
turn on Analysis period.
Under Calendar period, select the calendar period to use.
Under Period, select a specific period to use.
Information noteAnalysis periods requires calendar periods in the logical model. For more information, see Defining analysis periods with calendar periods. -
Optionally, in the properties panel, under Appearance, adjust the appearance of the analysis.