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Text & image

The text & image visualization complements other visualizations by offering options to add text, images, hyperlinks, and measures.

You can format and color the text and align the paragraphs. The background image has sizing and positioning options. You can also set the responsive behavior for text and images.

Information note

The text & image visualization is only available in the advanced edit mode.

When to use it

The text & image visualization is intended for presentation purposes, and does not support selections. However, the measures in the text & image visualization are updated when selections are made. Some typical uses:

  • Use it on the first sheet of an app for essential information.
  • Display a company image, or use a background image together with formatted text and measure values to present figures in a compelling way.
  • Link to sites with additional information.
  • Use the responsive behavior to ensure that the visualization renders well on all devices.


The text & image visualization contrasts with the other visualizations. You have many options for making the text & image visualization stand out next to more regular charts.


You are limited to a few measure values and rather short texts, otherwise the text & image visualization will be cluttered.

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