Choosing the right visualization
Visualizations let you present data so that your apps users can interpret and explore it. For example, a bar chart that compares sales numbers for different regions, or a table with precise values for the same data. Good visualizations help you quickly and accurately interpret displayed data.
Visualizations are easy to add and customize. They can take the form of charts, such as bar charts, pie charts,, tables, gauges, or treemaps. Each chart type has unique functionality. Qlik Cloud Analytics automatically highlights items associated with your selections so you can drill-down and filter.
Select visualization types that align with your purpose
Each visualization type has a specific goal. You need to think about the purpose of your visualization, and pick a visualization type that lets you explore your data for that purpose effectively.
For example: You want to show how a measure, quarterly sales, behaves over time. You should create a line chart, because one of its strengths is displaying how measure values change over time. Alternatively, you can start with the type of analysis you want to make. From the available analyses, you could select trend over time as your analysis type, which builds a line chart for you.
For more information, see:
Which visualizations are available?
There are two basic types of visualizations available in the assets panel.
- Charts illustrate the data with visual elements like bars, lines, or points.
- Text-based visualizations presents data in text form, for example, tables or filters.
There are analyses available in the assets panel.
There are dashboard objects available in the assets panel.
The best choice of chart or analysis type depends on the purpose of the visualization.
For more information, see Best practices for choosing visualization types.
If the predefined visualizations does not fill your purpose, you can use a visualization extension. You find them in the assets panel under .
Chart | Icon (Standard) | Icon (Advanced) | Description |
Autochart |
- | The autochart attempts to pick the best visualization for your selected data. |
Bar chart, vertical grouped |
The vertical grouped bar chart groups one dimension by another dimension, such as City by Region, with vertical bars. |
Bar chart, horizontal grouped |
The horizontal grouped bar chart groups one dimension by another dimension, such as City by Region, with horizontal bars. |
Bar chart, vertical stacked |
The vertical stacked bar chart stacks one dimension by another dimension vertically. |
Bar chart, horizontal stacked |
The horizontal stacked bar chart displays one dimension stacked by another dimension horizontally in bars. |
Box plot |
The box plot is suitable for comparing range and distribution for groups of numerical data, illustrated by a box with whiskers, and a center line in the middle. |
Bullet chart |
Bullet charts can be used to visualize and compare performance of a measure to a target value and to a qualitative scale, such as poor, average, and good. |
Combo chart, vertical |
The combo chart combines bars and lines in the same chart. The bars and lines have different axes to enable comparing percentages and sums. |
Combo chart, horizontal |
The combo chart combines bars and lines in the same chart. The bars and lines have different axes to enable comparing percentages and sums. |
Distribution plot |
The distribution plot is suitable for comparing range and distribution for groups of numerical data. Data is plotted as value points along an axis. |
Donut chart |
The donut chart displays the relation between values and the relation of a single value to the total. |
Gauge |
The gauge is used to display the value of a single measure, lacking dimensions. |
Histogram |
The histogram is suitable for visualizing distribution of numerical data over a continuous interval, or a certain time period. The data is divided into bins. |
Line chart |
The line chart displays data lines between values. Line charts are often used to visualize a trend in data over intervals of time. |
Line chart, area |
The area line chart displays trends over time, with filled in areas beneath lines. |
Map |
The map is used to combine geospatial data and measure values, such as the sales for a region or a store. |
Mekko chart |
The mekko chart compares a group while comparing category items contained within these groups. |
Pie chart |
The pie chart shows the relation between a single dimension and a single measure. |
Scatter plot |
The scatter plot presents values from two measures. This is useful when you want to show data where each instance has two numbers, for example, country (population and population growth). An optional third measure can be used and is then reflected in the size of the bubbles. When showing large data sets colors will be used instead of bubble size to represent the measure size. |
Treemap |
The treemap shows hierarchical data. A treemap can show a large number of values simultaneously within a limited space. |
Waterfall chart |
The waterfall chart illustrates how an initial value is affected by intermediate positive and negative values. |
Visualization bundle | - | - | The Visualization bundle is a set of charts that can be used to enhance and increase your Qlik Sense app's charting capacity. |
Chart | Icon (standard) | Icon (advanced) | Description |
Filter pane |
The filter pane allows you to control what data that is shown in the visualizations on a sheet. A filter pane can filter the data of several dimensions at once. |
The KPI is used to present central performance figures. You can add a link to a sheet. |
NL insights |
The NL insights visualization displays natural language insights about data in the form of a chart. |
Pivot table |
The pivot table presents dimensions and measures as rows and columns of a table. The pivot table allows you to analyze data in multiple dimensions at a time. The data in a pivot table may be grouped based on a combination of the dimensions, and partial sums can be shown. |
Table |
The table displays values in record form, so that each row of the table contains fields calculated using measures. Typically, a table includes one dimension and multiple measures. |
Text & image | - |
You can use the text & image visualization to add text, images, measures and links to a webpage. (Advanced edit mode only) |
Analysis type | Icon | Description |
Anomaly (spike) |
Detect and show large data variations including spikes and dips in a time series. |
Anomaly (trend) |
Detect and show abrupt data variations including change points between time series segments. |
Breakdown |
Show multiple dimensions in order of contribution. |
Breakdown (geospatial) |
Show geographical contributions to a measure |
Calculated measure (KPI) |
Show a calculated measure. |
Clustering (k-means) |
Show clusters of measures associated with a dimension using a statistical algorithm. |
Comparison |
Show multiple measures for a dimension. |
Correlation |
Show the strength of the relationship between two fields. |
Mutual information |
Detect and show dependencies between the source and driver fields. |
Overview |
Show the distribution of measures for one or more dimensions. |
Process control (mean) |
Show measures over a time period compared with the overall mean of expected values. |
Process control (rolling mean) |
Show the performance of a measure over time between two calculated control limits. |
Ranking |
Show dimensions in the order of their contribution to a measure. |
Ranking (grouped) |
Show hierarchical dimensions in order of their contribution to a measure. |
Relative importance |
Show the relative importance of dimensions contributing to a total. |
Time series decomposition |
Decompose a time series into trend, seasonal, and residual components. |
Trend over time |
Show the performance of a measure over time, optionally broken down by a dimension. |
Trend with forecast |
Show measures along with forecast over the current and future time periods. |
Year to date |
Show a comparison of dimensions for the same period in previous years. |
Object | Icon | Description |
Button |
You can use buttons to add quick links for easy selection and navigation in your app. (Advanced edit mode only) |
Container |
You can add visualizations in a limited space and show or hide the visualizations inside the container based on conditions. (Advanced edit mode only) |
Dashboard bundle | A set of controls that you can use to enhance navigation and selection in your Qlik Sense app. |