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Creating a map focused on a region

You can configure your map charts to stay focused on a region of interest, such as a country. You can also set the minimum and maximum zoom levels of your map. This controls how far the Qlik Sense zooms into the map when you make selections.

The following example explains how to make a map with the focus locked on a single region and with a custom maximum zoom level.

The map chart with panning limited to just the region of interest

Map chart with panning limited to region of interest.

This map has set a pan limit so users cannot pan the focus of the map visualization away from the region of interest. Users can drill down between separate map layers, but they cannot scroll outside of the initial view.

This map visualization uses a point layer and an area layer with two drill-down dimensions. One drill-down dimension enables the area layer to display counties after states are selected. The other drill-down dimension enables the point layer to display cities as a points after a state is selected in the area layer.

A zoom limit is applied to the map chart. When a state is selected in the area layer, the map drills down to display the counties in the area layer and the cities in a separate point layer. The map remains zoomed a level appropriate for a general regional overview.

A map chart with a state selection applied

A map chart with a state selection applied


This example uses two sets of data. You must import this data into Qlik Sense. You can add the data to a spreadsheet and import it into Qlik Sense. You can also import the table from this help page as a web file.

How I built this

  1. Import the data into Data manager.
  2. Make the recommended associations between the two tables in Data manager.
  3. Create two drill-down dimensions, one of State and County and one of State and City.
  4. Add a map and in Presentation, set a Custom zoom level with a maximum zoom of 7x zoom.
  5. Add a point layer with State -City as the dimension. Set the following properties:
    • In Location, set the scope to Custom and enter 'USA' in Country.
    • In Size & Shape, set Size by to Count(Distinct(Customer)).
    • In Colors, color by measure using Count(Distinct(Customer)).
    • In Options>Layer display, set Visible drill-down levels to Custom and select City.
  6. Add an area layer with State-County as the dimension. Set the following properties:
    • In Location, set the scope to Custom, enter 'USA' in Country, and State in Administrative area (Level 1).
    • In Colors, color by measure using Count(Distinct(Customer)) and set the Opacity slider to 40%.
  7. Center the region in the map and then set Limit pan navigation to Custom and click Set pan limit.

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