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View the data used to make a visualization and their dependencies and linked glossary terms in Details.
You can view the fields and master items used to make the dimension and measures in a visualization in Details. You can open details by clicking on a visualization or by right-clicking a visualization and selecting Show details.
Details shows the dimensions and measure used to make a visualization.
Details, showing the dimension and measure of a visualization.
Master items used as dimensions or measures may have linked glossary terms set as definitions or related terms. Hovering your cursor over the term shows the term's definition. You can click the term to open the term in the glossary. For more information on glossaries and master items, see Viewing master items and linked terms.
Master item in Details with linked glossary term
To view the source fields and datasets for the data, click Show dependencies. This shows the source fields for dimensions and measures along with their source dataset or connections
A dimension is an entity used to categorize data in a chart. For example, the slices in a pie chart or the bars of a bar chart represent individual values in a dimension. Dimensions are often a single field with discrete values, but can also be calculated in an expression.
A dimension is a dataset in a data mart that forms part of the star schema. Dimension datasets hold the descriptive information for all related fields that are included in the fact table’s records. A few common examples of dimension datasets are Customer and Product. Since the data in a dimension dataset is often denormalized, dimension datasets have a large number of columns.
A measure is a calculation base on one ore more aggregations. For example, the sum of sales is a single aggregation, while the sum of sales divided by the count of customers is a measure based on two aggregations.
The term dataset is sometimes synonymous with table. It can refer to the original source table, the table after undergoing transformations, or the fact and dimension tables in a data mart.
It can also refer to a logical table, where there are several instance tables and views:
Current data
History, which holds previous versions of the table
Data connections are used to load data from external data sources into Qlik Cloud for the purpose of creating analytics, in the form of apps and scripts. Data connections can load data from databases and remotely stored files.