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Viewing details for visualizations

View the data used to make a visualization and their dependencies and linked glossary terms in Details.

You can view the fields and master items used to make the dimension and measures in a visualization in Details. You can open details by clicking Show details on a visualization or by right-clicking a visualization and selecting Show details Show details.

Details shows the dimensions and measure used to make a visualization.

Details, showing the dimension and measure of a visualization.

Details for a chart, showing the field City as the Dimension and the master measure Gross margin, with a linked glossary definition, as the Measure

Master items used as dimensions or measures may have linked glossary terms set as definitions or related terms. Hovering your cursor over the term shows the term's definition. You can click the term to open the term in the glossary. For more information on glossaries and master items, see Viewing master items and linked terms.

Master item in Details with linked glossary term

To view the source fields and datasets for the data, click Show dependencies. This shows the source fields for dimensions and measures along with their source dataset or connections

Details, showing dependencies

You can view lineage information for the field by clicking and selecting Lineage. For more information on lineage, see Analyzing lineage for apps, scripts, and datasets.

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